On the 6th of June 2024, the research group of Alice Vadrot celebrated six years of research within the ERC Starting Grant Project MARIPOLDATA (www.maripoldata.eu), which ended on the 30th of June 2024. Alice Vadrot presented key findings from MARIPOLDATA and explained why her new research project, TwinPolitics, shifts focus from science to technology to examine the future of global environmental negotiations and assess the role of digital twins in and for global environmental agreement-making.

Global environmental negotiations have become central sites for studying the interaction between politics, power, and environmental degradation. They provide legitimate frameworks for states to negotiate environmental protection measures and for scientists to exercise influence. By assembling diverse actors within the highly structured setting of international diplomacy, environmental negotiations set the stage for recognizing legitimate voices in global environmental politics, including those of scientists and other knowledge holders. This event will problematize the future of global environmental negotiations and critically assess the role of science, knowledge, and technology within this context. Experts from research and practice will reflect on current developments in the areas of biodiversity, ocean protection, and climate change and discuss specific avenues for strengthening the role of environmental knowledge for international cooperation and equitable sustainable futures
