
Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Twins for Sustainable Ocean Futures

Digital twin technology holds significant promise in developing solutions to mitigate the damage caused by climate change and facilitating the transition to greener alternatives. The European Commission is leveraging this technology to create a digital twin of the ocean (DTO), a highly accurate digital model aimed at facilitating studies, improving decision-making, and providing essential ocean data. The ERC-funded TwinPolitics project seeks to address concerns surrounding the socio-technical aspects of DTOs and their use in national and international contexts. The project aims to investigate current challenges related to development, access, security, legal considerations, and necessary regulations. Additionally, it will develop a methodological approach to address these challenges and ensure the effective use of DTOs.

Exploring how Digital Twins Shape Multilateral Environmental Negotiations

Alice Vadrot and her research group will combine methods from ethnography and computational social science and apply them to digital ocean twins in the EU, China and the USA. In order to identify which features of digital twins promote inclusion, diversity and equity, ethnographic data will be collected at different policy levels and from a variety of research sites.

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(In German) ÖAW Vortrag mit Assoc. Prof. Alice Vadrot: Geologie im Alltag

September 24, 2024|News|

Das Symposium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften beleuchtet die Bedeutung der Geologie im Alltag, beginnend vom Paläolithikum über die Antike bis in die Moderne und zeigt die starke Verflechtung zwischen Geologie und Kultur. Das tägliche Leben ist überraschend eng mit Geologie verbunden. Geologie ist, wortwörtlich, das Salz des Lebens.

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